Freely we receive...freely we give!
All of the programs, services and resources at the Blessing Center are provided free of charge to needy families. Always have been, always will be. We are a highly leveraged, faith-based, charitable aid organization with over 22 years of operational success - and 99 cents out of every dollar donated is used directly to provide aid to the families we serve.
Each homeless or at-risk family of 3 or 4 children with their mother costs approximately $1,500 per month to cover their proportionate share of housing accommodations, utilities, food, hygiene items and in-house programming and counseling services.
Would you take a moment and consider partnering with us financially on a monthly basis?
Perhaps "adopting" a family by investing in a portion of their total monthly expense?
Your generous donation goes a long way in changing the lives of those we love and care for - overwhelmed and struggling children and mothers.

And, of course, one-time gifts are also gratefully accepted.
All gifts and donations to the Blessing Center are fully tax-deductible.
Federal I.R.S Tax Exempt # for The Blessing Center, Inc.: 26-2323673
Mail donations can be directly sent to - P.O. Box 8157 Redlands, CA. 92375
Or even better - just click the "Donate" link below!
Thank you and God Bless you for joining with us in giving comfort and hope to those most in need - homeless and at-risk children and their mothers.